Yoga Mat Care

Ever wonder how to get that stickiness off your mat, or even maybe that stinky-ness!? 

There are a few solutions to this problem!

First, if you have never washed your mat before, just try spraying it down with some water and a few drops of soap/ laundry detergent.   Spray again and hang your mat over top something to let air dry.

Most yoga mats come with a sticky adhesive film atop the mat that does not allow you to grip the mat.

If this does not get the film off, try placing the mat in a few inches deep of warm water and gently rubbing the mat down with water and then hang dry.

A more organic way to wash your mat,  that can be used to simply wipe down mats after each use, is to make your own!


•1/4 witch hazel

•1 cup water

•20 drops tea tree oil/ eucalyptus oil

•10 drops essential oils of choice. 

There are different types of essential oils that can be found at local health food stores, that serve different purposes to your body!  I chose Lavender, Eucalyptus and Tea Tree because  they are all calming to the senses and relaxing.  If you would like to be more uplifted or awakened, maybe try a citrus or mint!

Simply place mixture into a spray bottle and carry  it with you to class! 


Filed under Yoga Travels

2 responses to “Yoga Mat Care

  1. What types of essential oils or other ingredients will you add to your mix?

  2. Hi there, I’ve just recently bought two new yoga mats, and have the same problem with both, neither of them have any grip, and now I know why! I can’t wait to try this out thank you so much for sharing 🙂 Rachel.

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